Normie times
February 6th, 2023 @3:00PM
Mood: Chill
Listening To: yt skate vids
Reading: this post XD
Watching: yt vids
Eating: nuggiez :P
Hey hey :P Not even gonna bother with the new years thing, it's
Feburary XD I said on stream a while ago that I wanted to write a
blog post but I just got rly stuck? I feel like I still get caught
up in like, everything needing "substance"... But that's rly not the
case lol esp out here :P So this one is me appreciating literally
nothing going on ^^ bc it's good to do that sometimes.

has been a cozy chill day so far: made my bed, put on an outfit I like,
did dishes, ate nuggies and watching skate vids :P vicariously
living through George Poulos' content bc it's too cold to skate DX
I got to thinking about how even tho this is the
time of my life in a long while, I still get so caught up in wanting
to achieve my goals that I can't look around and appreciate where I
currently am. I've gotta remember that I'll get to where I wanna be
eventually, but for now it's okay to relax and take in what I have.
You don't wanna look back and realize you had something good and
took it for granted, yknow? Even right now I can look back on times
that seemed super mundane, but there's something special in all of
them that I can appreciate.

But yeah, that's p much it :P thx for reading this super short post~