[insert cool post title here
19th, 2022 @ 2:00AM
Mood: Productive
Listening To: Radio Bam
Reading: idk lol frustrating html stuff
Eating: stuffed crust pizza *o*
Drinking: baja blast
Hey hey~! I haven't written anything in forever >o<||| tbh I was
just procrastinating on finally making a proper blog page for my
Neocities. I'm still mainly writing these for my FriendProject blog,
but I wanted a nice place to put them here too. Maybe someday I'll
figure out how to implement comments and legit pagination so this'll
be an actual blog xD Also while I was putting this together I found
out that DeviantART removed the mood-thing?? Which is a real shame

I feel like a lot has happened since my last post but also nothing?
<xD I'm still floating along ig. I made my friend and I these cool
bow hairclips :P Sewing stuff again has been pretty nice, it was
frustrating waiting for nice bows to show up on secondhand jfashion
markets so... I just did it myself xD You'd be surprised how hard it
is to find a good pink bow out there. I also figured out what to get
friend-who-likes-mh for his bday next month :D I'll write abt it
properly in my next post lol I haven't even wrapped it yet xD I can
say rn tho that even tho I love doing this, I rly pick the hardest
gifts to find... ^_^|||
I also finished the Halo TV series and... To sum up how I feel abt it, the
first and last epiosdes are the only ones worth watching. The whole
middle of the show is like... idk not rly Halo? I guess season 2 is legit set up to be combat
evolved but... I dunno. Like Halsey is finally a criminal on the
run, Chief has his helmet on and doesn't talk (bc he's lowkey kinda
dead rn) and the potential start to season 2 is very familiar but...
I dunno. I'm still gonna watch it lol bc ofc I am but... lowkey
disappointed D: At least I can look forward to season 3 of Umbrella
Academy coming out this week!! The way that ppl talk in comments
sections around this make me feel like I'm not caught up on the
comics or something... Has anything else come out after Hotel
Oblivion?? If not, I'm v curious to see how the show is gonna handle
the sparrows... and then what are the comics gonna do when they
eventually catch up?? :P
Not much of a post, but thx for reading :P I would've written more
but figuring out how this is gonna work on my Neocities was a lot of
effort lol