a better bday post :D
September 28th, 2022 @ 11:30PM
Mood: Relaxed
Listening To: From Under The Cork Tree - Fall Out Boy
Watching: yt stuff
Drinking: arizonaaa
Hey hey! :D This past Sunday (9/25) was
my birthday, and it
was a good one! Things have been pretty stressful lately, with
moving and my mystery balance issues trending worse... So going to
my-friend-who-likes-mh's house to
celebrate was a break I really appreciated ^_^

start with fun stuff: he got me From Under The Cork Tree! :D I've
been looking for the Black Clouds and Underdogs edition of this for
forever and never got around to getting one.
I always feel like I'm rly hard to buy gifts for... And that's
probably because I
know how picky I can be and particular I am when I get things for
myself. But I'm clearly not giving my friends
enough credit, they always get me the coolest stuff >u< Another
friendo got me cool candy from Germany,
and my
bff, who
always gets the
best gifts, is planning on sending something when she gets the
chance. Gift giving is one of my top love languages and with
everything going on this really means a lot to me. Especially since my bday has been overshadowed by bad
stuff for the past couple years... >_<||| I really appreciated this year
being different ^^

I said earlier I spent time at
my-friend-who-likes-mh's house to
celebrate ^^
I originally wanted to go somewhere (probably the bookstore lets be
real xD) and wear a coord (bc I legit don't remember the last time I
dressed up... feelsbadman), but we ended up staying in and just...
Hanging out doing whatever. And honestly? That was probably the
right decision. I feel like I haven't genuinely relaxed in so long
Dx And this was probably the last time we'll have time together like
this for a while. As much as we don't rly do anything,
simply spending time together means a lot to me. The past year has
been really difficult for me (on top of living in a pandemic
>_<), and I genuinely don't know what I'd be doing right now without
been so compassionate and generous, and always makes it a priority
to make sure I'm doing okay. I could go on forever XD but I'm hoping
things will look up soon. Even tho it's taking forever I am moving
out, and I think I'll be doing better once everything goes back to
normal after that.

Thx for reading as always :P I hope that by my next blog post, all
of this will be behing me and have more energy to update things. And maybe
I'll name my friends...? I've been thinking abt it for a while bc it
is kind of annoying having to type around it lol