NEW BLOG POST: I moved out~!! :D
Added to lolita wardrobe, finally added a pic for those DearMyLove heels Dx
Added to outfits page!

NEW BLOG POST: a better bday post :D
Added to my music collection~

Joined the Cutie Club webring! The bunny at the bottom of the page links to other cool jfashion neocities sites, check them out if you're interested!

Finally added my My Little Pony collection page! It's still a major WIP but I'm glad I have enough done on it to share~ ^^

Testing out a new format for my magical girl collection on the Smile Precure page! I'm in the process of moving right now, so I won't be able to do the rest of them for a while. Dx

Updated the blog navigation! It looks way better now and hopefully won't be confusing when I add more posts.

NEW BLOG POST: I love my friends and other rando thoughts
Added gallery pics :P

Streamlined extra text colors (I was individually styling them instead of putting them on the sheet like an idiot) and added to the gallery. Also, Happy Intl. MCR Day and 20th anniv. to Bullets~!

Updated interests on the About page!
Added pics to the gallery~
Fixed small site stuff (changed a lot of bows lol)
Also, new blog post (on FP). I don't think I'm gonna put it here bc it's very FP-centric lol

NEW BLOG POST: [insert cool post title here lol]
Also finally added a real blog page!! It was a lot of work oof but I finally did it ^o^

Updated gallery, and small things around the site :P

Not a site update but MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE RELEASED A NEW SONG!!! The Foundations of Decay

My Neocities has been around for a year! Since the timing lined up I figured I'd finally get around to making that new site layout I could never settle on a design for. I'll prob talk about it more in a blog post or something, but for now I rly like it ^^ And happy birthday again, Melba!

Happy New Year? xD Added to outfits and updated small things for the collections pages. I hadn't looked at this site in forever since I didn't have my laptop for weeks and when I came back I noticed all of these small things I wanted to fix ^^; I still have so much I wanna do on here lol omg... Like favicons and stuff :O lowkey makes me wanna upgrade to supporter so I can publish directly instead of copying each page's html in one by one Dx