I moved out~!! :D
2nd, 2022 @ 6:00AM
Mood: Happy
Listening To: Besitos - Pierce The Veil
Watching: yt stuff
Eating: oreos :D
Drinking: water :/
Hey hey!!! The title says it all :D After two months of struggling to move my things one box at a time, I'm finally staying with
I genuinely believe he saved my life by letting me stay with him
until we can get our own place. I don't plan on getting into it but
life at home was always... strange and artificially difficult? Not
sure how to describe it better than that. I have a lot of
complicated feelings about it, but I'm glad I don't have to worry
about it anymore. It's been hard unlearning a lot of things, but I'm
glad I have the opportunity. I'm once again incredibly grateful for

I've been here for about a month and I feel so much better
physically and mentally ^^

I was moving I didn't have the energy to do anything I
enjoy (Or I had already
packed whatever and sent it out). What I missed the most was wearing coords! We went to Target and I wore Space Lollipop~
:D I honestly forgot how good it feels to wear
clothes I love (crazy, right? xD)~ Before I moved out I
couldn't wear nice outfits very often bc circumstances
It's rly freeing to know I can wear whatever I want whenever I want
:P I also got to wear
this on a picnic!
wanted to take me on one to properly listen to Red, since it was the
perfect weather for it :P It was p magical ngl, I hope we'll be able
to have many more ^^ I hope to one day have some kind of cool and
matchy pastel picnic set xP bc ofc I do lmaoo

Halloween (a.k.a. MCRib day xD) a friendo of ours invited us to her new place to be
spooky :P
my-friend-who-likes-mh had the
idea for us to have matching Taylor Swift costumes bc... he's the
biggest swiftie on the planet xD I didn't have any other ideas in
mind soooo... why not xD He recreated her 22 mv outfit (the heart
glasses one) and I was the "bad taylor" from the You Belong With Me
mv. And yes, I ofc tracked down the exact skirt she's wearing xD It
was kinda out of my comfort zone for what I would normally wear, but
I think it turned out p well :D I only had abt a week to get
everything so I'm glad it worked out! The skirt came in the mail
literally the day-of ToT Even tho there's a lot of black in the
skirt it's lowkey growing on me >o< Maybe I'll wear it fr sometime
lol idk

Feels good to post again, life has been a lot lately. I have a long
way to go from here, but hopefully I'll feel like posting more along
the way xP I hope u had an awesome Halloween if u celebrate, pls
share what u dressed up as if u want ^^ Thx for reading, as always~